Friday, May 3

Our Guide To Reaching Your Target Audience With Your Branding

Reaching your target audience is relatively easy once you’ve identified them. Nowadays, there are more ways to reach people than ever before, either through digital content or branded items. Here is our handy guide to three top tips that will help you reach out to more potential customers and clients. 


Without a doubt, our top pick in order to reach your target audience has to be to invest in printed paper bags. How does this help you reach your target audience, you might ask? Well, in 2018, in a survey conducted by ThoughtWorks spanning a diverse mix of people, plastic waste was UK consumers’ top concern; and this is becoming evident through the way that people shop. More and more people will reject the offer of a plastic bag at the till in favour of their own reusable tote. However, this leaves your business at a disadvantage as bags are a great way for increasing brand identity and awareness. For example, last year, an estimated 10 million people hit Oxford Street on one single day. That’s a lot of street traffic to see your branding. Attractive paper bags are a brilliant way to alert other shoppers to your brand and look more luxurious than traditional plastic. And with the Instagram generation being some of the biggest consumers, they are going to be drawn to a high-quality paper bag (and be more likely to share it on their social media). 

Target Audience With Your Branding


Sponsoring an event is a brilliant way to increase your brand awareness and reach out to your target audience. This is because sponsorship gives a company an image of being particularly successful and authoritative in that field. For example, if a particular bride magazine sponsored a wedding fair, the outreach to the target audience would be huge and people would tend to trust that sponsor as a reputable company within that industry. When you sponsor an event, people also tend to believe that you are financially successful; which is also often a draw for people as it implies success and reliability. Sponsoring charitable events are a great way to reach your target your audience and create a positive brand image. Customers love brands that regard helping their community and spreading important messages as important. This will attract more people to your brand, whilst doing something really worthwhile for others.


People are interacting with brands in more ways than ever before. There are so many social apps that allow daily content to reach out to potential customers and alert them to new and existing products and services. Regular blogs are a great way to alert your target audience to your brand by creating sharable content that will appeal to them. Make sure you make it conversational, but in the right tone for your audience. 

If you are able to utilise all three of these methods to reach your target audience with your branding, we’re sure that your brand awareness will greatly increase along with revenue.

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