Thursday, May 16

Myths about First Night Busted

The wedding night is not always as sweet as all of the typical wedding desserts. The bride and groom are apprehensive of the ‘first night’ in general, thanks to all the first-night tips they’ve been bombarded with for the last several days. While some first-night tips might help you navigate in the dark, others can only result in a series of nervous catastrophes.

Here are four first-night misconceptions you shouldn’t accept anymore.

Myth: The Bride Will Bleed She Is A Virgin

Reality: We’ve all heard the stories of the virgin bride being ‘deflowered,’ and the crimson-stained bed sheet indicating the first consummation.

The fact is that not every lady bleeds the first time she has sex.

The ripping of the hymen, a tiny fleshy flap at the base of a virgin’s vagina, causes the bleeding. But, a hymen rip can happen at any time, not only during intercourse. It can occur when cycling, jogging, using a tampon, or even during a physical assault, as we now know.

According to medical research, around 63 per cent of women do not bleed the first time they engage in sexual activity.

Myth: It Is Okay To Not Use A Condom During Your First Night

Reality: Putting on a condom is a hassle, especially because it needs to be done in the middle of the act. However, the inconvenience is well worth the while because:

To prevent STDs: Even if you and your partner are virgins, you can still catch & spread an STD. This is because some sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes and hepatitis can be spread by simply using dirty towels or even a public restroom, something you might be entirely unaware of.

Condoms protect against sexually transmitted infections such as vaginosis and candidiasis.

To avoid unintended pregnancies, most conventional contraceptive techniques, such as ovulation monitoring and withdrawal methods are effective, but only to a certain extent.

Condoms, on the other hand, have a 98 per cent success rate in preventing unwanted pregnancies!

Myth: Using Condoms Reduces The Enjoyment Of Having Sex.

Reality: according to studies, around 16% of all condom users experience intercourse issues, which can vary from discomfort and reduced feeling during intercourse to full-blown erectile dysfunction. But it’s not the act of wearing a condom that’s the problem; it’s the sort of condom you’re using( regular or ultra-thin) and how you’re using it (are you using the right fit?)

If you’re facing problems while using condoms, odds are you’re doing it incorrectly.

Myth: For Women, Pain During Penetration Is Okay The First Time

Reality: Contrary to common opinion, sex does not have to be painful.

The secret lies in lubrication. Have a lot of foreplay to calm her anxieties and get your wife aroused. You can even use lube to heighten the pleasure. 


Ignore the first night tips, and focus on what your spouse loves. After all, when it comes to pleasing your spouse, one size does not fit all.

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