Thursday, May 16

How Eating Bananas Can Provide Various Health Benefits

If you are an avid weightlifter or a dieter, you should know that the benefits of bananas are numerous. First of all, bananas are a very delicious fruit and are loaded with lots of nutrients, especially potassium. Potassium helps to regulate your blood pressure. If you exercise, your potassium levels increase and this helps improve your workout tremendously. Take a look at the benefits of eating bananas.

Good Source of Vitamins 

Bananas are one of your best natural sources of vitamins A, B6, and E. Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for ensuring good eyesight, good skin tone and help with immunity against diseases. Moreover, Vitamin E helps protect the skin against premature aging and vitamin B6 may help in treating low levels of anemia, can reduce depression and PMS symptoms.

High in Fiber 

The other benefits of eating bananas include: high fibre content which prevents constipation and reduces the risk of heart disease. So if you want to get the benefits of eating a banana, ensure that you include it in your diet regularly.

Ideal Source of Starch & Protein 

Thirdly, bananas are a fantastic source of protein and starch. Protein and starch are both great sources of energy. You can always make the best mass gainer smoothie at home by blending ripe bananas with some almond milk, some natural honey and much more. This will be very delicious and nutritious.

Perfect Source of Potassium

Bananas are loaded with potassium. Also, consuming bananas will significantly reduce your calorie intake. Bananas have a very low Glycemic index (GI) meaning that the effect of eating these bananas will cause a significant reduction in the level of glucose in the bloodstream.

Improves Digestive Health 

Last but not least, when you eat a banana, the digestive system is given a gentle push that aids in the digestion process. As the banana passes through the large intestine, the enzyme amylase will help break down the starch and sugars in the banana. Amylase is responsible for the digestion of starches and sugar. If you do not have enough amylase in your system, the digestion process will be very slow. So the more you eat, the less sugar and starches will be absorbed into the bloodstream.


The banana is a healthy fruit because of its nutritional value as a whole, including protein, dietary fiber, potassium and vitamin C. However, it does not contain calories. Bananas have a surprisingly low amount of calories compared to other fruits. One cup of ripe bananas has only 101 calories and the potassium and vitamin c that they contain add to their nutritional value. Apart from all this, eating a banana regularly will help you lose weight and gain weight too if you eat them in an adequate amount.

Have you ever sneaked bananas into your meals? Feel free to share those recipes with us in the comments section below. Our readers would love to try those recipes.

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