Monday, May 20

Tag: list pf occupation

What Are The Different Types Of Occupation?

What Are The Different Types Of Occupation?

"So, how can we start working as a freelancer? Is there any platform where we have to register? Or should I start seeking work from my contacts?" I was bombarded with such questions from my cousin, who recently graduated as an architect. While I was answering her queries, trying my best to guide her in the right direction, I couldn't help but think about the time when I was in her place. People like me who were born in the 80s and early 90s had fewer major occupations to choose from - doctor, engineer, architect, and lawyer. If we have to broadly categorize these into today's types of occupation, it could be skill-based services and 9-5 employment. But the Internet revolution in the past decade opened several new opportunities for today's youth to choose their career from. Now, from doctor...