Thursday, May 16

Tag: Importance of keeping kids hydrated

Importance of keeping kids hydrated

Importance of keeping kids hydrated

Growing children are full of energy and hustle. Every activity they do-whether it be jumping, running, climbing, or playing, drains them out of essential nutrients and, most importantly, fluids that need their body to function. Parents with desk jobs might not realise how quickly their child might get exhausted. Expert advice is that do not wait for your child to ask for water. As per Dr. Holly Benjamin, who is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Chicago, children are at least 3% dehydrated by the time they ask for water. New mothers make sure their babies are fed in short intervals, but once the kids grow up, they tend to miss out on their water intake. The reason is simple kids love colourful drinks buzzing with taste. Since they are used to m...